Friday, February 5, 2016

Cute Headband

This headband is really cute, and suits baby girls!
Its pattern is easy and it is nice to give it a try.

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
Few meters of acrylic yarn or a cotton yarn.

As desired


Loosely Chain the amount of chains to get the desired length. Make sure the amount is divisible by 4.
Double Crochet 3 stitches in the 3rd chain from your hook.
*Skip a chain. Slip Stitch into the next chain.
Skip a chain. Double Crochet 4 stitches into the next chain.*
Repeat from * to * until you get to the end. Make sure you end with a shell in your last chain.
Turn your work.
Double Crochet 4 stitches into the same chain as your last shell.
**Skip a chain. Slip stitch into the next chain.
Skip a chain. Double Crochet 4 stitches into the next chain.**
Repeat from from ** to ** until you get to the end.
Join your last shell to the first shell. Cut your yarn leaving a long length. Tie off your work. Using the extra string, sew your head band into a loop shape.

Chain 3. Slip Stitch into the first chain to make a circle.
Single Crochet 4 stitches into the circle. Slip Stitch into the first single crochet.
*Chain 4, Triple Crochet 2 stitches, Chain 4, Slip Stitch* into the same stitch.
Repeat from * to * for the remaining 4 petals.
Cut your yarn and tie off.

Now you just have to sew your flower onto your headband for completion.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

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