Friday, September 28, 2012

My very First Project + Rima's Shawl

In order to fight loneliness that I started to feel, with me being living in a home far from Mom's, no electricity, no kids to run after, I decided to buy some hooks and yarns and start learning to crochet.

Thanks to google,youtube, and pinterest, now everything u think about can be found, so it wasn't hard to learn the main stitches, and was able to start a new project...

The very first project was a prototype of a potato chips scarf, so I decided  to make it for my little niece.

This is a photo of the little cute scarf:

If you want the pattern you can fine it at this site:

I made the last row using a white yarn, to get a colorful shawl.

It is pretty simple, and lovely, and I loved making it my first crochet project.

After that I repeated this project but on a bigger shawl, Rima's Shawl (my little sister):
 This is it, still using the above pattern, but chaining more stitches firstly, then making more rows, i made 6 pink rows, then 1 gray using the same pattern, then the last gray row I made it using only double stitches all around the shawl. It is really pretty.

Enjoy crocheting!

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