Monday, February 29, 2016

Toddler Scarf and Hat

This scarf and hat are mainly for toddlers, this one is for a boy. U can use the same pattern with different colors and perhaps a flower or a butterfly to suit a baby girl. Will definitely make one for a girl and post a picture later.
Its pattern is easy and it is nice to give it a try. As usual this was a gift for someone!!

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
2 colors of acrylic yarn.

2 - 4 yeas old

ch24, work 2dc in 3rd ch from hook, * skip ch2, (1sc, 2dc) in next ch * rpt from * to * to last
ch3, skip ch2, 1sc in last ch. Turn. (7 groups)

Pattern Row - ch2, 2dc in base of ch2, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in next sc, * rpt from
* to * to last 2dc and ch2 to turn, skip 2dc, 1sc in top of ch2. Turn.

The last row forms the pattern, rpt Pattern Row four more times, making 6 rows in all. Fasten off.

Next Row - Join in contrast color, work ch3, 1dc in each stitch to end. Turn. (21dc + ch3)
Rpt last row 6 more times. Turn. Fasten off. 

Next Row - Join in main color, work ch2, 2dc in base of ch2, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in
next dc, * rpt from * to * to last 2dc and ch3 to turn, skip 2dc, 1sc in top of ch3. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Row 74 more times or until work measures approx 26 inches from beginning. Fasten off. You can add more rows here to make a longer scarf if you wish.

Next Row - Join in contrast color, work ch3, 1dc in each stitch to end. Turn. (21dc + ch3)
Rpt last row 6 more times. Turn. Fasten off. 

Next Row - Join in main color, work ch2, 2dc in base of ch2, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in
next dc, * rpt from * to * to last 2dc and ch3 to turn, skip 2dc, 1sc in top of ch3. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Row five more times. Turn.

ch6, sl st to first ch to make a ring. Ch3,
work 12dc in ring, sl st to top of ch3. (12dc + ch3) DNT

2nd Round - ch3, 1dc in base of ch3, 2dc in each dc to end, sl st to top of ch3.
(25dc + ch3) DNT

3rd Round - ch3, 1dc in base of ch3, * 1dc in next dc, 2dc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to
last dc, 1dc in last dc, sl st to top of ch3. (38dc + ch3). DNT

4th Round - ch3, 1dc in base of ch3, * 1dc in each of next 2dc, 2dc in next dc, * rpt from
* to * to last 2dc, 1dc in each of last 2dc, sl st to top of ch3. (51dc + ch3). DNT

5th Round - ch3, 1dc in base of ch3, * 1dc in next 3dc, 2dc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to
last 3dc, 1dc in each of last 3dc, sl st to top of ch3. (64dc + ch3). DNT

6th Round - ch3, 1dc in base of ch3, * 1dc in next 4dc, 2dc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to
last 4dc, 1dc in each of last 4dc, sl st to top of ch3. (77dc + ch3). Turn.

Next Row - ch2, 2dc in base of ch2, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in next dc, * rpt from * to * to
last 2dc, skip last 2dc, 1sc in base of ch2, sl st to top of ch2 on beginning of row. Turn.
(26 groups)

Next Row - ch2, 2dc in first sc, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in next sc, * rpt from * to * to last
2dc, skip last 2dc, 1sc in base of ch2, sl st to top of ch2 on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt last row twice, making 4 rows in all. Fasten off. Turn.

Next Row - Join in contrast color, work ch3, 1dc in each stitch to end, sl st to top of ch3
on beginning of row. Turn. Rpt last row 6 more times. Turn. Fasten off. 

Next Row - Join in main color, work ch2, 2dc in next dc, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in next dc,
* rpt from * to * to last 3dc, skip last 2dc, 1sc in last dc, sl st to top of ch2 on beginning of row. Turn.

Next Row - Join in main color, work ch2, 2dc in next sc, * skip 2dc, (1sc, 2dc) in next dc,
* rpt from * to * to last 2dc, skip last 2dc, 1sc in base of ch2, sl st to top of ch2 on
beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt last row twice, making 4 rows in all. Fasten off.

Car Motif:
ch13, 1sc in second ch from hook,
1sc in ch to end. Turn. (12sc) Work three more rows in sc, making 4 rows in all. Fasten off. Turn.

Next Row - Skip first 4sc, rejoin yarn to next sc, ch6, skip 2sc, 1trc in each of next 2sc,
ch4, skip 2sc, 1dc in last sc. Turn. 

Edge: ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 4sc in ch4 space, 1sc in each of next 2trc, 6sc in ch6 space, 1sc in next 4sc, working down side of car, work 1sc in each of next 4 row ends,
1sc in each of 12 cast on chains, working up second side of car, work 1sc in each of next
4 row ends, 2sc around side of dc, sl st to first sc. Fasten off.

Wheels x 2: (For each car) - 
with a black yarn, ch4, sl st to first ch to
form a ring, work 8sc in ring, sl st to first sc. Fasten off.

Finishing - Sew in and tie off loose ends of yarn attach car motifs over bands of contrast color on ends of scarf and on front of hat.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Cinderella's Baby Dress

I saw this cute dress while surfing my Pinterest, and I thought that I should give it a try. When I finished it I was astonished how amazing it is... so I called it Cinderella's Dress!! 
It will be a gift for my cousin, since she's pregnant with a baby girl.
I finished it 2 days only due to its easy pattern!!

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
2 colors of acrylic yarn.

6-9 months


Dress Pattern:
Chain 71 join in the round 

Rnd 1: Chain 2 and HDC in each of the next 8 stitches. HDC ch 1 HDC in next stitch. HDC in next 18 stitches. HDC ch 1 HDC in next stitch. HDC in next 18 stitches. HDC ch 1 HDC in next stitch. HDC in next 18 stitches. HDC ch1 HDC in next stitch. HDC in each of the last 9 stitches. Join with sl stitch to the top of ch 2.

Rnd 2: Chain 2. HDC in each of the next 9 stitches. HDC, ch 1, HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 20 stitches. HDC, ch1, HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 20 stitches. HDC, ch1 HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 20 stitches. HDC, ch 1, HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the last 10 stitches. Join with sl stitch to top of ch 2.

Rnd 3: Chain 2. HDC in each of the next 10 stiches. HDC, ch 1, HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 22 st. HDC, ch1, HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 22 stitches. HDC, ch 1, HDC in next ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 22 stitches. HDC, ch 1 HDC in ch 1 space. HDC in each of the next 11 stitches. Join with slip stitch to top of ch 2.

Rnd 4 and 5 are similar to 3.

Joining Sleeves:

Rnd 6: Chain 2. HDC in next 13 stitches. HDC in the ch 1 space, fold body to make ch 1 space to match evenly with next ch 1 space to make arm hole, sc through BOTH ch 1 spaces drawing them together to form arm hole, HDC in the ch 1 space you just joined and continue to work across the next stitches with a HDC in each of the next 28 stitches. HDC in the ch 1 space, fold last ch 1 space to match other ch 1 space to make arm hole and sc through BOTH ch 1 spaces joining them together. HDC in the ch 1 space  you just joined into. HDC in last 14 stitches. Join with slip stitch to top of chain 2.

Rnd 7... 12 similar to 6.

Now on to the sleeves :)

With the back of your project facing you, attach yarn into the stitch BEFORE the under arm stitch on the left sleeve. Ch 2, HDC in each st around making sure to include stitch in the arm pit area of sleeve. At the end of the round join and change color for finishing the sleeve. Chain 1. SC in each stitch around. 

for the 2nd row: ch 1, then 3 hdc in the nxt st, sl st in the nxt st, and so on till the end. Join with ch 1. Fasten off and weave in all ends.

For the right sleeve attach yarn in the stitch AFTER the under arm stitch. Follow the rest of sleeve instructions as before.

Change color for waistband..... Join new color and......

Rnd 13 .. 17: Chain 2. HDC in each stitch around. Join with slip stitch to beginning chain 2.

At the end of Row 17 change color to skirt color ........

Rnd 18: Chain 2. HDC in each stitch around. Join with slip stitch to beginning chain 2.

Rnd 19: Chain 2. HDC in same stitch as joining. HDC in next 3 stitches, 2 HDC in next stitch all the way around. Joining with slip stitch to beginning chain. Chain 5.

Rnd 20: Treble crochet in same st as ch 5. TC in each of the next 3 stitches. TC, ch 1, TC in next.... all the way around.  Chain 4.

Rnd 21 ... 33: TC ch 1, TC in the ch 1 space. TC in the next 4 st. TC, ch 1, TC in next ch 1 space. Work this way all the way around. chain 4.

Join the band color during the slip stitch into the last rounds chain 4. Chain 4 with new color and continue.

Last 2 Rnds: TC in next 4 stitches. TC, ch 1, TC in next ch 1 space. TC, ch 1, TC in next ch 1 space. Do this all the way around. TC in last 3 stitches. Join with a slip stitch to top of chain 4. Chain 4.

Edging Row: DC in same stitch as joining. skip 1 stitch, SC in next stitch, skip one stitch, 5 DC in next stitch ch 1 space, repeat until you come to the last stitch. 1 DC in the same stitch as first ch 3. Cut and fasten off.

Take the time now to weave in all your ends and stitch up the back of the dress. With back of the dress facing you join yarn in a stitch at the back of the neck edge and ch 1. SC in each stitch around neck. Fasten off. Weave in all ends.

Neck Lining:
With the contrast color, join at the back of the dress. ch 1, then sc across all the border and the border of the sleeves. 

Bow Pattern:

Make 2 Curly Cues: Leave some tail
Chain 30
3 SC in second ch from the hook and in each stitch across. Fasten off leaving a long tail (8 inches)

Making the Bow: leave a very long tail (24 inches) and with body stripe color
Chain 25
HDC in 3rd ch from the hook and in each across. Join contrast color and chain 2. turn.
HDC in each stitch across. Join w previous color and ch 2. Turn.
HDC in each stitch across. Fasten off. Leave a long tail for sewing and wrapping bow. (24 inches)

Fold in half so ends match up and sew together with blunt eye needle. Keeping seam in the back use yarn to wrap around and around middle to make the bow. tie securely.

Headband Pattern:
Ch 55.
Row 1: DC in the 3rd st, dc in nxt +st. Continue till the end. Trun.
Row 2: ch 3, dc in the nxt st, and continue till the end. Fasten off.

Change color.

Row 3: ch 1, *3 hdc in nxt st, sl st in nxt st*. Continue the statement between * * till the end of the row. Don't turn, continue working in a round, hdc in the width side, then continue with 3 hdc and sl st on the opposite size.

When finished, join the sides of the headband and sew it.

Flower pattern:

Row 1: ch 5, join to make a circle.
Row 2: sc 10 in to the circle and join.
Row 3: *hdc, 2 dc, hdc in to the nxt st. sl st in the nxt st*. repeat till the end then join.

The original pattern is of size 3-6. My pattern contains several adjustment. The original pattern was found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Every Man Scarf

This Scarf is luxurious, warm and elegant with just a bit of color.  
This beautiful scarf is completely reversible too, revealing a different look on either side.  Easy stitches and thicker yarn make it a super quick project too!!

I made it for my sister to give it as a gift for her husband. It turned out to be a precious gift.

Crochet hook size 5 mm
2 colors of acrylic yarn

As desired

Color A: shown in gray
Color B: shown in wine red

Note: For striping as shown, work 1 row of each color and alternate for the entire scarf.  When experimenting with striping, I found this sequence showed off the stitches and colors best.

Begin by making a chain as long as you would like your scarf to be.

Row 1 (color A): In the fourth ch from the hook, work a dc.  Work a dc in each ch across.
Row 2 (color B): Ch 3 and turn, work a bpdc (back post double crochet) into each dc across row.  Work a dc in the turning chain.
Row 3 (color A): Ch 3 and turn.  Work a dc into each stitch across. Work a dc in the turning chain.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until scarf is desired width, ending on row 2 for a nice finished edge.  I worked a total of 16 rows for the scarf shown.  Fasten off.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Cute Headband

This headband is really cute, and suits baby girls!
Its pattern is easy and it is nice to give it a try.

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
Few meters of acrylic yarn or a cotton yarn.

As desired


Loosely Chain the amount of chains to get the desired length. Make sure the amount is divisible by 4.
Double Crochet 3 stitches in the 3rd chain from your hook.
*Skip a chain. Slip Stitch into the next chain.
Skip a chain. Double Crochet 4 stitches into the next chain.*
Repeat from * to * until you get to the end. Make sure you end with a shell in your last chain.
Turn your work.
Double Crochet 4 stitches into the same chain as your last shell.
**Skip a chain. Slip stitch into the next chain.
Skip a chain. Double Crochet 4 stitches into the next chain.**
Repeat from from ** to ** until you get to the end.
Join your last shell to the first shell. Cut your yarn leaving a long length. Tie off your work. Using the extra string, sew your head band into a loop shape.

Chain 3. Slip Stitch into the first chain to make a circle.
Single Crochet 4 stitches into the circle. Slip Stitch into the first single crochet.
*Chain 4, Triple Crochet 2 stitches, Chain 4, Slip Stitch* into the same stitch.
Repeat from * to * for the remaining 4 petals.
Cut your yarn and tie off.

Now you just have to sew your flower onto your headband for completion.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bibo's Simple Scarf

This scarf is unisex, and can be modified by choosing different colors, and even different number of rows of each color. Its length is also customizable due to your desire.

As for me I made it for my 10 yr old brother. We chose the colors together (Black, White, and Wine). I finished it in 3 days due to its easy pattern!!

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
3 colors of acrylic yarn

As desired

Chain 240 (or desired length)

Row 1: SC in second chain from hook, *chain 1, skip a stitch, SC in next chain. Repeat from * to end. Chain 1, turn.

Row 2-23: *SC around chain 1 from previous row, chain 1. Repeat from * to end. Chain 1, turn.

I crocheted a total of 26 rows in the following color bands:

Black (8 rows)
White (3 rows)
Wine (4 rows)
White (3 rows)
Black (8 rows)
I finished the scarf with fringe color coordinated to each band of color. I used four strands of yarn for each tassel. I applied 4 tassels to each band of black, and 1 tassel to each band of white, and two tassels to the wine band.

I learned how to join a tassel to the scarf from the WikiHow website.
The original pattern is found at this site.

This is the same pattern scarf but different combination of rows and colors. You can create infinity of scarves using this pattern!

Enjoy Crocheting!

Ear Warmer / Headband

I tried these ear warmers for my sisters... easy pattern and nice results, must take 10 minutes at most!! Hope to find the pattern easy.

Hook Size 4 mm

Around 22 cm diameter, fits an adult.

Special Stitches:
Shell is "work 3 dc in same st or sp."
Beginning Shell is "work ch 3, 2 dc in same st or sp."

Starting out: Ch 67.

Row 1: Work 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Continue working sc in each ch st to end. Join w/ sl st in 1st sc. You will now be working in rounds. (66sc)
Rnd 1: Sc in same st as join and in each st to end. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)
Rnd 2: Work Beginning Shell in same st as join. {Skip 2 stitches, then work Shell in the next st.} Repeat between {} around. Join in top of ch 3. (22 Shells)
Rnd 3: Sl St in each dc of shell into sp between first two shells. Work Beginning Shell. {Work Shell in space between next shell.} Repeat between {} to end. Join in top of ch 3. (22 Shells)
Rnd 4-5: Repeat round 3.
Rnd 6: Ch 1. Sc in next 2 st then sc in sp between shell. Repeat between {} around. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)
Rnd 7: Ch 1. Sc in next st and in each st around. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)

Finish off. Whip stitch initial chain together with beginning tail. Weave in ends.

The original pattern was taken form Tangled Happy website.

Gray Flower Pattern:
Start with ch 4 and join to complete the circle.

Row 1: ch 1, then 5 sc in the circle, and join the last sc with the first ch.
Row 2: *ch 3, dc, ch 3 in first sc then sl st in the sc. Sl st in the second sc* repeat to all sc.
Fasten off.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Scalloped Potholder

While surfing the net, I saw these cute potholders and decided to give it a try thought these would make a cute gift for my mom and my grandma.

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
Few meters of acrylic yarn

Around 20 cm (8”) diameter.

Ch 4 then join with a sl st to form ring.
Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 11 more dc in the ring; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, fpdc around the ch 3 of round 1; (dc in the next dc, fpdc around the same dc) around; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (24 sts)
Round 3: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (36 sts)
Round 4: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (48 sts)
Round 5: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (60 sts)
Round 6: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 4 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (72 sts)
Round 7: Sl st in each of the next 2 dc, ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 6 more dc in the same st, skip next 2 dc, sc in the top of the next fpdc, *skip next 2 dc, 7 dc in the next dc, skip next 2 dc, sc in the top of the next fpdc* Repeat from * to * 10 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 shells)
Round 8: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, sc in each of the next 2 dc, 3 sc in the next dc, sc in each of the next 3 dc, fpsc around the next fpdc of round 6, skip the sc in the top of the fpdc, *sc in each of the next 3 dc, 3 sc in the next dc, sc in each of the next 3 sc, fpsc around the next fpdc of round 6, skip the sc in the top of the fpdc* repeat from * to * 10 times; join with a sl st in the first sc.
Ch 8, then sl st with first ch to make a loop. In the loop make 12 hdc then join with sl st with the last ch.
Fasten off. Weave in ends.

The original pattern states that u should make 2 of these then sew them together.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!