Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ear Warmer / Headband

I tried these ear warmers for my sisters... easy pattern and nice results, must take 10 minutes at most!! Hope to find the pattern easy.

Hook Size 4 mm

Around 22 cm diameter, fits an adult.

Special Stitches:
Shell is "work 3 dc in same st or sp."
Beginning Shell is "work ch 3, 2 dc in same st or sp."

Starting out: Ch 67.

Row 1: Work 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Continue working sc in each ch st to end. Join w/ sl st in 1st sc. You will now be working in rounds. (66sc)
Rnd 1: Sc in same st as join and in each st to end. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)
Rnd 2: Work Beginning Shell in same st as join. {Skip 2 stitches, then work Shell in the next st.} Repeat between {} around. Join in top of ch 3. (22 Shells)
Rnd 3: Sl St in each dc of shell into sp between first two shells. Work Beginning Shell. {Work Shell in space between next shell.} Repeat between {} to end. Join in top of ch 3. (22 Shells)
Rnd 4-5: Repeat round 3.
Rnd 6: Ch 1. Sc in next 2 st then sc in sp between shell. Repeat between {} around. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)
Rnd 7: Ch 1. Sc in next st and in each st around. Join in top of first sc. (66 sc)

Finish off. Whip stitch initial chain together with beginning tail. Weave in ends.

The original pattern was taken form Tangled Happy website.

Gray Flower Pattern:
Start with ch 4 and join to complete the circle.

Row 1: ch 1, then 5 sc in the circle, and join the last sc with the first ch.
Row 2: *ch 3, dc, ch 3 in first sc then sl st in the sc. Sl st in the second sc* repeat to all sc.
Fasten off.

Enjoy Crocheting!

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