Sunday, November 15, 2015

WaterMelon Potholders

While surfing the net, I saw these cute potholders, and I thought these would make a cute gift for my mom and my grandma.

Red Yarn (Color A)
White Yarn (Color B)
Seagrass Yarn (Color C)
Black Yarn

Around 15 cm (6”) diameter.

1. With Color A, chain 5 and join to form a ring.  Chain 3 - this counts as your first double crochet (dc) throughout the pattern.  13 dc into the ring - total of 14.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.
Row 1:  Chain 3, 2 dc in each stitch.  28 stitches total.
Row 2:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch, 1 dc in next stitch.  *2dc in next stitch, 1 dc in following stitch.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  42 stitches total.
Row 3:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next two stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following two stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  56 stitches total.
Row 4:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next three stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following three stitches.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  Repeat from *. 70 stitches total.
Row 5:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next four stitches.  *2dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following four stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  84 stitches total.  Fasten off Color A.

2.  Join Color B.  Chain 3, 1 dc in same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next 5 stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following 5 stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch. Fasten off Color B.

3.  To add the seeds, work with one strand of black.  Insert needle from the back and take a short stitch directly above it.  Reinsert needle in the same spot you came up in before and go down just to the left of your first stitch.  Repeat, going down just to the right of your first stitch.  
Repeat randomly around Color A until you have the amount of seeds you want.

Join Color C at one edge.  Chain 1, 1 half double crochet (hdc) and 1 dc in first stitch.
Single crochet (sc) in the next stitch.
*1 hdc, 3 dc, 1 hdc in the next stitch.  1 sc in each of the next two stitches.
Repeat from * around until you have 2 stitches left.  1 dc and 1hdc in that stitch.  21 shells, not counting the beginning and ending partial shells.  

Sc in the last stitch.  Chain 8 and slip stitch to the sc you just made.  
Turn, chain 1 and put 14 sc into the loop.
Join to the base of the sc and fasten off.

The original pattern is found at this artthreads blog.

4. You can insert an insulating material in this watermelon then sew it, but I left it as it is for I loved it as a decoration, and you could use two instead of one, to hold hot stuff.

Enjoy Crocheting!

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