Thursday, December 17, 2015

Scalloped Potholder

While surfing the net, I saw these cute potholders and decided to give it a try thought these would make a cute gift for my mom and my grandma.

Crochet hook size 3.5 mm
Few meters of acrylic yarn

Around 20 cm (8”) diameter.

Ch 4 then join with a sl st to form ring.
Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 11 more dc in the ring; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 dc)
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, fpdc around the ch 3 of round 1; (dc in the next dc, fpdc around the same dc) around; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (24 sts)
Round 3: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (36 sts)
Round 4: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (48 sts)
Round 5: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (60 sts)
Round 6: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc; (dc in the next 4 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (72 sts)
Round 7: Sl st in each of the next 2 dc, ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 6 more dc in the same st, skip next 2 dc, sc in the top of the next fpdc, *skip next 2 dc, 7 dc in the next dc, skip next 2 dc, sc in the top of the next fpdc* Repeat from * to * 10 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 shells)
Round 8: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, sc in each of the next 2 dc, 3 sc in the next dc, sc in each of the next 3 dc, fpsc around the next fpdc of round 6, skip the sc in the top of the fpdc, *sc in each of the next 3 dc, 3 sc in the next dc, sc in each of the next 3 sc, fpsc around the next fpdc of round 6, skip the sc in the top of the fpdc* repeat from * to * 10 times; join with a sl st in the first sc.
Ch 8, then sl st with first ch to make a loop. In the loop make 12 hdc then join with sl st with the last ch.
Fasten off. Weave in ends.

The original pattern states that u should make 2 of these then sew them together.

The original pattern is found at this site.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Stretchy Headband

Using some of the leftover yarn I had, and searching the net, I decided to try these headbands. They came up so simple to do, stretchy to fit more sizes, and elegant.

3.5 mm hook
100% cotton yarn (any color)

Size: fits 2-3 yo girl.

Chain 16
Row 1: Skip the first 3 chains, slip stitch into 4th chain - *chain 4 skip 3 chains and slip stitch into 4th chain* continue until end of row, chain 4 and turn.

At this point you should have 4 loops
Row 2: *Slip stitch into the first loop (ch 4 space) and chain 4* repeat to the end of the row, chain 4 and turn.

Row 3-62: Repeat row 2

Last Row: Join with first row, then ss the ch 4 spaces together.
Fasten Off.

Note: Please increase/decrease the amount of rows depending on the desired size!

This pattern makes the headband incredibly stretchy to keep checking to make sure it’s the right length as you go along.

The original pattern is found on this blog.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Cherry Blossom Bookmark

Using some leftover yarn, I decided to do a quick project, and I came up with this charming bookmark.

Any yarn, and smallest hook size for that yarn to get a tight gauge.

* Using magic ring, draw up loop, ch 1, 5 sc into ring, sl st into 1st sc, pull ring tight.
* Ch 1, sc in same st, (ch 4, sc in next st) 5 times, finishing w/sl st in 1st sc.
* Sl st into 1st ch-4 space, ([ch 1, 2 dc, 1 hdc, 2 dc, ch 1, sl st] in ch-4 space, sl st in next ch-4 space) 5 times, finishing w/sl st in 1st sl st.
* Ch 45 or 55 (depending on yarn weight and how long you want your bookmark; more ch's for smaller yarn weights).
* Sl st in 4th ch from hook to create a ring, bring yarn behind the chain, ch 1 around the chain to lock it in place.
* (Ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc) 5 times in ring, finishing w/sl st in the locking ch-1.
* Bind off, weave in ends. Pin and block the chain to straighten if desired. Shape the petals of the large flower with the press of a thumb into each petal.

The original pattern is found on this blog.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

WaterMelon Potholders

While surfing the net, I saw these cute potholders, and I thought these would make a cute gift for my mom and my grandma.

Red Yarn (Color A)
White Yarn (Color B)
Seagrass Yarn (Color C)
Black Yarn

Around 15 cm (6”) diameter.

1. With Color A, chain 5 and join to form a ring.  Chain 3 - this counts as your first double crochet (dc) throughout the pattern.  13 dc into the ring - total of 14.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.
Row 1:  Chain 3, 2 dc in each stitch.  28 stitches total.
Row 2:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch, 1 dc in next stitch.  *2dc in next stitch, 1 dc in following stitch.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  42 stitches total.
Row 3:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next two stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following two stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  56 stitches total.
Row 4:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next three stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following three stitches.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  Repeat from *. 70 stitches total.
Row 5:  Chain 3, dc in the same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next four stitches.  *2dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following four stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch.  84 stitches total.  Fasten off Color A.

2.  Join Color B.  Chain 3, 1 dc in same stitch.  1 dc in each of the next 5 stitches.  *2 dc in the next stitch, 1 dc in each of the following 5 stitches.  Repeat from *.  Join to top of chain 3 with a slip stitch. Fasten off Color B.

3.  To add the seeds, work with one strand of black.  Insert needle from the back and take a short stitch directly above it.  Reinsert needle in the same spot you came up in before and go down just to the left of your first stitch.  Repeat, going down just to the right of your first stitch.  
Repeat randomly around Color A until you have the amount of seeds you want.

Join Color C at one edge.  Chain 1, 1 half double crochet (hdc) and 1 dc in first stitch.
Single crochet (sc) in the next stitch.
*1 hdc, 3 dc, 1 hdc in the next stitch.  1 sc in each of the next two stitches.
Repeat from * around until you have 2 stitches left.  1 dc and 1hdc in that stitch.  21 shells, not counting the beginning and ending partial shells.  

Sc in the last stitch.  Chain 8 and slip stitch to the sc you just made.  
Turn, chain 1 and put 14 sc into the loop.
Join to the base of the sc and fasten off.

The original pattern is found at this artthreads blog.

4. You can insert an insulating material in this watermelon then sew it, but I left it as it is for I loved it as a decoration, and you could use two instead of one, to hold hot stuff.

Enjoy Crocheting!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Simple Crochet Coasters

  • Two colors of any yarn.
  • 3.5 mm hook.
Size: approx. 9.5 cm in diameter.
  • Ch = Chain
  • Ss = Slip Stitch
  • Sc = Single Stitch
  • Dc = Double Crochet
Foundation: Ch 4 and join to the 1st ch with a ss to create a loop.
Round 1: Ch 3, work 11 dcs into loop, join to the top of ch3 with a ss.
Round 2: Ch 4, *2 dc into next stitch, ch 1, * repeat from *to* x 10, work 1 tr into same stitch as initial ch 4, join with a ss to 3rd chain of initial ch 4. 
Round 3: Ss into next ch 1 space, ch 3, work 2 dc into ch 1 space, ch 1, *3 dc into next ch 1 space, ch 1* repeat from *to* x 10, join to the top of initial ch 3 with a ss.
Round 4: Join second color into a ch 1 space with a ss, work 2 dc into same space, work 1 sc into top of next 3 dcs, *2 sc into next ch 1 space, 1 sc into each of next 3 stitches (3 dcs from previous round)* repeat from *to* around to last stitch – Do not join
Round 5: Ss into next stitch, ss into each stitch around [You should have worked 60 slip stitches] and finish off by pulling your yarn through the loop on your hook, cutting and sewing in ends.
Make them up in groups of 4 or 6 and parcel them together.

Enjoy crocheting!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Snowflake Baby Cape

This snowflake cape was planned as a gift for my niece.

The pattern I used is the following.

Materials used:
100% acrylic 50 gr yarn (Color white with embedded purple)
2.5 mm hook

6-12 months.
Cape measures 45 cm (18") from neckline to hem.

Ch 115.
Row 1:  dc in 5th ch from hook and in each remaining ch across, ch 3 to turn.
Row 2:  In 3rd dc make shell (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same st makes shell), * skip 3 st, shell in next dc.  Repeat from * across Row, dc in last dc, ch 3, to turn.
Rows 3-5:  shell over shell (make shell in center ch of shell below) across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Row 6:  Shell (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in ch below. Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 7-9:  Repeat Row 6.
Rows 10-13:  Shell (4 dc, ch 1, 4 dc) in chain of shell below.  Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 14-17:  Shell (5 dc, ch 1, 5 dc) in chain of shell below.  Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 18-21:  Shell (6 dc, ch 1, 6 dc) in chain of shell below.  Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 22-23:  Shell (7 dc, ch 1, 7 dc) in chain of shell below.  Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 24-25:  Shell (8 dc, ch 1, 8 dc) in chain of shell below.  Continue shell across Row, dc in last st, ch 3 to turn.

Break off. 

Count in 28 dc from beginning Row of cape.  Join yarn with a sl st.
Row 1:  Ch 3, skip 3 dc, shell (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same stitch) skip 3 dc.  Repeat shell across until 13 shells have been made, skip 3 dc, dc in next dc, ch 3 to turn.
Rows 2-10:  Repeat shell over shell rows until 10 rows have been completed.
(There should be 7 shells on cape extending beyond either side of the hood). 
Do not break yarn!
Fold hook in half, right sides together and crochet or sew across top edge.
Break yarn.

With right side of garment facing you, join another ball of yarn at neck edge in 1st st of hood.  Skip starting ch 3 of 1st Row, * 2 dc, picot (ch 3, slip st through 1st st of chain--picot made) 2 dc in ch 3 of next Row.
Repeat from * around edge of hood. 
Sc in each dc along left front neck edge of cape, 3 sc in corner, * shell (2 dc, picot, 2 dc), sc in starting ch of next Row. 
Repeat from * along left side edge of cape, 3 sc in corner.
Make shell over shell ( 8 dc, picot, 8 dc) across bottom of cape, 3 sc in corner, (this makes the bottom trim of cape). 
Repeat shell on right side of edge the same as worked on left side (2 dc, picot, 2 dc), 3 sc in corner and sc across right front neck edge.  Attach where joined. 
Break yarn.

Double yarn and make a chain of 140 sts.  Thread this through neck edge, going over and under 2 dc.  Make 2 pompons 1 ½" in diameter and attach to point of hood and ch 10 sts.  Make one 2" diameter pompon and attach to end of chain.

Enjoy crocheting!